
Enrollment & Tuition

We offer an easy enrollment setup


Our affordable tuition is based on an annual fee, broken into 10 or 12 monthly payments depending on the program you are registered for. To maintain your child’s position in the program, full tuition payments are required regardless of attendance.

For any child leaving the program, a 30-day written notice is required before leaving.

We offer discounts for siblings and pay in full accounts.

  • School Year Program: is a school year program from September to Mid-June. This regular program follows the public school calendar, closing during school breaks and holidays. However, we offer mini camp programs during school breaks to maintain continuum of care. These mini camps are optional and available for additional fees.
  • Full Year program: 12 month calendar inclusive of all mini camps and 10 weeks of summer camp.
  • Summer Camp: programs (Mid June-August) are registered in the spring each year. You are not obligated to participate in summer camp. You can pick and choose any of the thematic weeks that fit into your schedule. Families only pay for the weeks they register for.
  • Early Drop Off and Late Pick Up: available upon request for additional fees

**All programs exclude federal holidays and transition days (for building maintenance) between summer and beginning of the new school year.

Enrollment Inquiry form

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